So I go into the restroom and there's like this like dark place, not like a place. Then I go outside and there's a rack but I didn't understand that that was a wreck. It was a bad car crash. And like I knew, I didn't understand at first because I was looking for something outside and totally missed what was going on. I realized there was a wreck but thought it already was finished. But when I went back inside after not seeing what was really happened we heard the screams and cries for help. Everyone in the restaurant bar started rushing out to help crying kids and people in pain. They began pulling them out of the main car that crashed and a loud boom went off. I instantly was covered in a salt like sharpnel and glass. I watch the kids and crying and stuff and it was just like a horrific scene. During this chaotic time I met an african boy who asked if I spoke english or their language and I said enligsh. A girl handed me her Iphone but I dropped it. She said that would be $400.Then my pain started to creep in and all hit me that it was all over my body. The scene transitioned to me and some friends going to a party. The stuff was still all over my body so I was looking for a way to get it off because Everything burned. Unfortunately, nothing worked. I tried showers and wiping but that just made it worse. I went to the owner of the houses room and they came in to see if I was ready but I was not. I figured out that I could roll on carpet and got some off of my forearms but didnt want to get it anywhere so I tried putting it on a table but most of it fell. The scene shifted to the same room but it was a party.The burning skin sensations were getting progressively worse but it still was the whole thing. I tried rolling around on the carpet which worked, but so did using jeans. I could only manage to get it off on my hands and some of my forearms. These glass shards were now mixed with lead like a #2 pencil. Um, playing after this, I run up to this witch dude's house. But before we get there, I went to this other people's house, I'm not in his room. And he had like a pretty nice house. But then, um, I was really trying to get the stuff off me. So I asked one of the guys if I could get all his stuff off me. Like literally just like get all the stuff off me because it's terrible. And somehow I turned into a party. And I was like this guy was in charge. This whole time I was trying to like, I tried using water to work like a sink or something. But then I also tried, um, just rolling around the carpet and that actually worked. So did jeans. I found a jeans work for this. So I get all the stuff off me. But all this stuff, and I'm partying while I'm still in pain. I met a white girl and her black girlfriend who was sitting down, then another girl introduced herself to me. They were very diverse. and Yeah, yeah, they did. Because everybody's, you know, this is what it's about. I'm going to go to the bathroom to take a shower but some of the people I met found out I wasnt invited and wanted to kick me out. So I was tripping. I ended up teleporting. Went to the search students house. And then he left. And for whatever reason, he said he was going to give me a drone. While we were walking, we got to this water. I'm like, oh fuck. Because he gave me a gift. Which I thought was going to be used as a drone. I expected the drone to fly us over the water But we didn't because he was "like, oh no, I have we can just do this...." We started walking on water. This guy was following us. And we were just walking away on the water in shoes. And pretty sure that's where I woke up
The dream seems to be very chaotic and has many different scenes. The beginning of the dream with the dark place in the restroom and the bad car crash represents a sense of confusion and disorientation. You seem to be missing important details and failing to understand the severity of the situation. The screams and cries for help in the restaurant bar shows that you are feeling overwhelmed and helpless in your waking life.
The pain creeping in and the inability to get the stuff off your body in the party scene may reflect a feeling of being trapped or stuck in a situation that is causing you distress or discomfort, but you are struggling to find a way out.
The scene with the diverse group of people in the party may suggest a desire for connection and acceptance. However, the conflict with the people who find out you are not invited shows that you may feel like an outsider in certain groups.
The teleporting and walking on water at the end of the dream can represent a sense of escaping or finding a way to overcome the current challenges you are facing.
Overall, the dream may be suggesting that you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, and helpless in certain situations in your waking life, but it's important to remain hopeful and find ways to overcome these challenges.